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py-parso Python Parser
py-paver Easy Scripting for Software Projects
py-pyrex Language for Writing Python Extension Modules
py-python-lua Simple python to lua translator
py-pythonz Installation manager supporting CPython, Stackless, PyPy and Jython
py-six Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py-spark-parser Earley-Algorithm Context-free grammar Parser Toolkit
py-uncompyle6 Python cross-version byte-code decompiler
py27-html-docs HTML Documentation for Python 2.7
py36-html-docs HTML Documentation for Python 3.6
py37-html-docs HTML Documentation for Python 3.7
python27 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python36 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python37 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
qore Embeddable multithreaded scripting language
R-codetools Code Analysis Tools for R
R-sourcetools Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code
racket Scheme-based dialect of Lisp
racket-textual Scheme-based dialect of Lisp
rakudo Perl 6 reference implementation
rakudo-star Perl 6 reference implementation
rcfunge Funge interpreter
rexx-imc Implementation of IBM's REXX scripting language
rexx-regina Implementation of the REXX language
ruby Wrapper package for Ruby programming language
ruby-coffee-script Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
ruby-coffee-script-source Little language that compiles into JavaScript
ruby-doc-stdlib Ruby Standard Library Documentation
ruby-execjs Run JavaScript code from Ruby
ruby-gherkin Parser and compiler for the Gherkin language
ruby-rkelly-remix JavaScript parser
ruby22 Ruby programming language 2.2.10 meta package
ruby22-base Ruby 2.2.10 release minimum base package
ruby24 Ruby programming language 2.4.6 meta package
ruby24-base Ruby 2.4.7 release minimum base package
ruby25 Ruby programming language 2.5.5 meta package
ruby25-base Ruby 2.5.6 release minimum base package
ruby26 Ruby programming language 2.6.3 meta package
ruby26-base Ruby 2.6.4 release minimum base package
runawk AWK wrapper that provides support for modules
rust Safe, concurrent, practical language
sablevm SableVM free Java virtual machine
sablevm-classpath Class libraries for the SableVM Java virtual machine
sablevm-classpath-gui Class libraries for the SableVM Java virtual machine (GUI libraries)
sather Compiler for the Sather object oriented programming language
sbcl SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation
scala Scala is a multi-paradigm programming language
scala-sbt Interactive build tool for Scala language
scheme48 The Scheme Underground implementation of R5RS
scm Portable scheme interpreter
see JavaScript interpreter and runtime library in C
sigscheme R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
siod Small-footprint implementation of the Scheme programming language
smalltalk GNU Smalltalk: A smalltalk-80 implementation
smlnj Popular functional language from Bell Labs
smlnj11072 Popular functional language from Bell Labs
snobol Macro implementation of SNOBOL4 in C
spidermonkey Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spidermonkey185 Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spidermonkey52 Standalone JavaScript implementation in C (major version 52)
spl The SPL Programming Language
squeak Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
squeak-vm Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
sr The SR language compiler and run time system
sr-examples The SR language compiler and run time system
stalin Aggressively optimizing Scheme compiler
STk Scheme interpreter with full access to the Tk graphical package
sun-jdk7 Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Development Kit (JDK) 7u80
sun-jre7 Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7u80
swi-prolog ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler suite
swi-prolog-jpl JPL package for SWI Prolog
swi-prolog-lite ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
swi-prolog-packages Packages for SWI Prolog
tcl Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcl-expect Extensions to Tcl to support scripting of interactive programs
tcl-otcl MIT Object Tcl
tcl85 Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tinyscheme R5RS small embeddable scheme implementation
ucblogo Brian Harvey's logo language interpreter
umb-scheme UMB Scheme interpreter
utilisp UTI Lisp
vala Compiler for the GObject type system
vscm Portable scheme implementation
vslisp Embeddable Lisp library and standalone interpreter
wsbasic Simple BASIC interpreter
yabasic Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
yap ISO-compliant Prolog
zenlisp Interpreter for symbolic LISP
zig Programming language designed for robustness and clarity